The World of O
Reviews of stuff

On this page I'll have my favorite movie's, T.V. show's and yes... maybe even books.

Movies'and Concerts

Weezer Live on St.Patricks Day:

Ya ok. So where to begin?? Basically a dream I never thought I had come true. A weekend in california with hot weather and a bunch of close friends breaking the law and generally having lots of fun.

ALMA live at Vertigo:

It's always great to see my close friends play. This was a great way to spend valentine's day. It's always a goos sign when in the middle of the concert people start to chant your name for no good reason. Just another reminder of how cool my friends really are.

Appocalyse Now:

One of my faves. Rent it if your in the type of mode to realize just how fucked war is. This is the ONLY movie I have ever stoped rewound and rewatched immediatly after watching for the first time. Good one.

Transformers The Movie:

Man I had no idea this movie was so brutal. Talk about a blood bath. Well I don't want to ruin it for you but about 90% of the transformers are slaughtered within the first 20 minuets of the movie. Then everyone else dies. But at least it's a happy ending.

Books'and Games

PADI's Go Dive:

Well the only reason I read this was because I'm getting PADI certified. Don't think you can become a SCUBA guy without it. Not bad reading if your terrified of shark infested victorian waters.

The Worst Case Scenario 2001 Survival Calender:

Who cares if it's a calander. This sucker has tought me everything from performing a trecheotomy in three simple steps to surving a hostage situation. I recomend the section on fending off a shark attack if you plan on SCUBA diving anytime soon.

Victoria BC's Rider's Guide:

Ya ok so it's a bus schedual. I never claimed to be a prize winning reader. Not a bad read if you have to catch a bus somewhere. I have no idea why I was reading it in a drunken stupor last night. The only real thing on my mind was passing out. Besides the bus is for wusses.

Love and War:

A pretty thick book. I skiped all that mushy stuff at the begining and dove into the dirty mud of war. Not bad. Wouldn't recomend it as an afrodesiac... then again I wouldn't recomend a TNT stuffed gopher with it's tail on fire either. If ya know what I mean.


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