Well I don't know if you've heard the news yet or not but I've purchased a new motorbike! Finally a cruiser... No more of this pansy crotch-rocket stuff. I gots myself a hawg. I bought a 2000 Honda Shadow ACE 750 Custom. It's two tone; Black with cream. Man I love the retro looks of these bikes. I've been drooling over them for at least a couple of years now. Finally with an awsome spring sale at Blackfoot Motorsports I had my chance (with a little financing from dad of course). The reason I picked the Honda over the other competition lies mainly in Honda's reliability. Not to mention the fact that it's been kicking ass in the middle weight cruiser class for the last five years. Basically you can't beat the bike for power, handling, comfort and style in this price range. Not to mention the fact that it's rediculusly affordable. Well on with the pictures I guess. The pics below are all of the same type of bike as I'm getting. The ones with the black and cream paint-jobs are the exact same as mine. Man I can't wait for this summer.       |