My Opinions on Current Events Ya so there's this guy with whom I was supposed to buy a surfboard from. Let me tell you.... If I had actually EVER met him face to face I would buy the board soly to ram it up his ass while head-butting him in the teeth. What an ass. Man I don't know how people like that survive in a world like this. I guess he's the type of guy who's thankful for social assistance. Well Bruce Reed I hope you have a great time trying to sell surf boards while your roting in hell. Thank you very much. Oh yeah and I hate hippies. Pick up Lines that really work! - You have 250 bones in your body, want another? - Wanna play army? I'll lay down and you can blow the hell outta me. - So, do you want to see something really swell? - What's a nice girl like you doing on a face like this? - Hey you want to know what I heard about you? Fuck me and I'll tell you. - What winks and screws like a tiger? (wink when she doesn't know ;-) - I'm going to have sex with you tonight no matter what so you might as well be there. - If you and I were squirrels, could I bust a nut in your hole? - I'd like to wrap your legs around my head and wear you like a feed bag. - If it's true that we are what we eat, I could be you by morning! - My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can't hold it in. - Your parents must be retarded, because you are special.
Give a Tree a Hug: El 12 de enero de 2000 se publicó en el «Boletín Oficial del Estado» la Ley Orgánica 4/2000, de 11 de enero (RCL 2000\72 y 209), sobre derechos y libertades de los extranjeros en España y su integración social, habiéndose detectado durante su vigencia aspectos en los que la realidad del fenómeno migratorio supera las previsiones de la norma. Al mismo tiempo, nuestra normativa debe ser conforme con los compromisos asumidos por España, concretamente, con las conclusiones adoptadas por los Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea los días 16 y 17 de octubre de 1999 en Tampere sobre la creación de un espacio de libertad, seguridad y justicia. La reforma de la Ley Orgánica 4/2000 parte de la situación y características de la población extranjera en España, no sólo en la actualidad, sino de cara a los años venideros, regulándose la inmigración desde la consideración de ésta como un hecho estructural que ha convertido a España en un país de destino de los flujos migratorios y, por su situación, también en un punto de tránsito hacia otros Estados, cuyos controles fronterizos en las rutas desde el nuestro han sido eliminados o reducidos sustancialmente. Por otra parte, esta normativa forma parte de un planteamiento global y coordinado en el tratamiento del fenómeno migratorio en España, que contempla desde una visión amplia todos los aspectos vinculados al mismo, y, por ello, no sólo desde una única perspectiva, como pueda ser la del control de flujos, la de la integración de los residentes extranjeros, o la del codesarrollo de los países de origen, sino todas ellas conjuntamente. -Bryan Singer

Why are pubic hairs curly? Well let me tell you... this isn't the first time someone asked me this question. Basically for the same reason why your asshole has two seperate schfincters. To keep stuff out. By keeping your pubic hair very short and curly (hence the nick-name) your body is setting up a physical barrier against stuff like twigs and bugs. At least thats the biological answer. Personally I think our pubes are short and curly to simulate a futuristic alternative to down. Just think of the insulating properties! I've slowly been filling a pillow bag over the past couple of years while out here in victoria. Soon I'm gonna have myself one of the most comfy and fluffy pillows on the face of the planet. Mass production plans are in the works so E-mail me if you wanna reserve yourself a model. Well I hope that answers your question. -col |